Writing Styles: Are You A Pantser or Plotter?
There are two different kinds of writers during the first stage of writing. Plotters plan out their entire story and pantsers write by the seat of their pants. Which way is better?
State of Consciousness
The conscious, subconscious, and unconscious regions of your mind constitute different levels of awareness.
Believe Beyond Belief
What do you believe? Do you know? If you think you’re pretty sure, are you sure that you’re sure you know? Often we think we are aware of what we believe and who we believe in until something comes along to make us take a deeper look.
What Broadcast Networks Are You Tuned Into?
What if I were to tell you that there are networks competing for your heart today? These networks broadcast to your mind, where you are led to believe this or that and subsequently choose behaviors that either help or hinder you.